About us
Music has many abilities and possibilities. Just by listening, learning, and playing music, we can posses more of comfort, peace, courage, and challenge.
Therefore, music education is not an option, but a necessity. We will help you enjoy a happier and richer life by discovering and developing individual musical talents.
Dr. Lee's Music Consulting & Studio is a music space established to educate people in music and to give people serenity, creativity and pleasure through learning process and performance in this harsh and busy society.
We teach a variety of music at our music studio.
Piano (classical, jazz, chords)
Strings (violin, viola, cello)
Woodwinds (flute, traverso, clarinet, oboe)
Brass (trumpet, trombone, saxophone)
Voice / Vocal (classical, musical, Disney, pop, Kpop)
Guitar (classical, acoustic, electric)
Conducting (choral, orchestral), and more.
Also, in the venue, small music concerts will be held occasionally. If you are interested in renting the venue for rehearsals, recitals, or practicing, ask us for more detailed information.


Dr. D. Choe
Professional Pianist / Scholar / Educator
DMA at CGU in Piano Perf./ CSUN
S. Choi
Professional Pianist / Educator / Accompanist
Manhattan Music School in Jazz Piano Perf. & Music Tech
S. Pak
Professional Pianist / Accompanist
MA at Hanyang Univ. in Pf
/ Chongshin Univ./ APU / Pedagogy Cert.
J. Kim
Professional Pianist / Scholar / Educator
DMA at CGU in Piano / MA at NYU
in Piano & Music Ed. / Dongduk Univ.
JC Lee
Professional Pianist / Educator
/ Accompanist / Conductor
BA at Univ. of Alabama in Piano
E. Han
Professional Violinist / Educator
BA at UCI / String Instructor at NYO
M. Oh
Professional Violinist / Educator
BA, MA at Osaka College of Music / OC Phil
H. Chung
Professional Violist/ Educator/ Performer
M.A. in Folkwang Univ. Germany / OC Phil
H. Jung
Professional Violinist / Educator
MA in Jungang Univ. in Violin (IP)
/ BA at Chugye Univ. in Violin Perf.
X. Li
Professional Violinist & Violist / Educator
BA at Cal Fullerton / MMME at Univ. of Florida
OC Philharmonic member
S. Jang
Professional Cellist / Educator
BA in CSLB in Cello & Child Dvlpmnt
S. Park
Professional Cellist / OC Phil member
BA at Ehwa Univ. in Cello
MA & DMA at West Virginia Univ. (ABD)
X. Chi
Professional Clarinetist / Educator
D.M.A. at Claremont Graduate Univ. (ABD)
S. Kim
Professional Flutist/ Educator
BA & MA.at Seoul Nat. Univ. (Top Honors)
/ Bourg-la -Reine Perfencionnement (SCL, France)
Concervatoire Nat'l de Region de SAINT-MAUR Superieur
J. Lim
Professional Oboist / Educator
MA at Korean Nat'l Univ. of Arts
BA at Ehwa Univ. in Oboe
C. Ward
Professional Saxophonist / Educator
MA at Cal State Fullerton in Saxophone
/ BA at Cal State Long Beach
J. Kang
Professional Trompetist / Educator
MA at USC / BA at Eastman in Trumpet
I. Marquez
Professional Guitarist/ Educator
BA in Guitar Perf. / Acoustic & Elec. guitar
L. Contreras
Professional Guitarist/ Educator
Performer / BA in Classic Guitar at CalF
MA in Musicology (Guitar) (IP)
C. Bang
Professional Concert / Opera Singer
Concert Soloist / BA at USC in Voice Perf.
Dr. C. Lee
Music Professor at CAU / Professional Singer
/ Conductor / Scholar
DMA at CGU in Voice (HPP) / MAM at WMU
Long Beach Opera
S . Zhang
Professional Singer / Educator / Harpsichordist
DMA at CGU in Voice / MA at Bard Collage in Voice
BA at Nanjing Univ. in Music Ed (Voice)
J. J. Lee
OC Philharmonic Conductor / MD
MA in CSUN in Conducting
/ Competition Winner
/ G. Conductor of Czech Orch
Our Affiliates

OC Philharmonic